
Practical information



We check the quality of the websites we recommend, However we cannot be held responsible, control, or guarantee how up-to-date the information broadcast is on the websites of companies, organisations or private people with whom we have established links, as the respective owners are responsible for their websites. However please notify us of any irregularities noted at this address:

Useful links:


Africa African History on the internet
Colonial Period
In English
Stanford University (California - USA)
Directory of websites on the history of Africa
Centre d'études africaines
Studies the development of the African continent in an interdisciplinary perspective
Réseau des études africaines en France Consultations between researchers in Human and Social Sciences
North Africa CDHA
Centre de documentation historique sur l'Algérie
Associative archive collections on Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia before and during the French period
North America "La France en Amérique" Digital Library Library of Congress and Bibliothèque Nationale de France partnership – bilingual – History of the French presence in North America from the XVIth to the XIXth Century
Relations des Jésuites Accounts of missionaries on the Library and Archives Canada website
Library and Archives Canada Official website of the institution
Canadian documentary heritage
Histoire d'une terre française en Amérique
Site designed by the Management of the Archives de France, Library and Archives Canada, and the Canadian Embassy in Paris on the anniversary of 400 years of French presence in America
Champlain Society Digital collection of more than 40,000 pages of the explorations and discoveries in New France
Asia Asia Network Links teachers and researchers on Asia and Oceania (links by geographical areas)
Centre d'étude de l'Inde et de l'Asie du sud
The largest French research laboratory in Social Sciences
(EHESS/CNRS) on the Indian sub-continent
Ecole française d'extrëme-orient
Public scientific establishment in the disciplines referring to Asian civilisations


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