IMAGE LIBRARYANOM makes iconographic collections from either public organisations or individuals available to researchers. They represent more than 60,000 photographs on paper, 15,000 positive photographic plates, 20,000 negatives on a supple medium or glass, 20,000 postcards, 1000 posters which date from the middle of the XIXth Century to the 1970s. Photographic collections originating from public sources have been built up by organisations devoted to highlighting the action of France in its colonies. From the oldest of them, "L'expostion permanente des Colonies" (The permanent exhibition of the Colonies) created in 1855, we have obtained 4000 photos. They were incorporated into the Colonial Office founded in 1899 under the aegis of the Ministry for the Colonies. This institution and its successors, like the Economic Agency of the French Overseas Territories, have gathered together 30,000 photos. Some of these photographs have been used to make up new collections like that of the Musée des Colonies (Colonies Museum) created during the International Colonial Exhibition of 1931. Several territorial administrations also had their own iconographic collections, which explains the richness of the ANOM. Most of these photographs have been split into sub-series by format. Amongst the photographic collections from private sources, acquired by donations, legacies or purchases, many have been produced by colonial personalities like Gallieni or by the photographers who accompanied them on missions such as Marcel Monnier with Binger. The albums represent about 45,000 photos. They may be official orders by the colonial administration or private in origin. Nearly 1000 posters, tracts and proofs from various public archive collections (Ministry for the Colonies, General Governments, etc.). The administrative posters, whether illustrated or not, are aimed at information or propaganda. Tourist and publicity posters, often acquired, are real works of art whether they sing the praises of a country to be discovered, a product from the colonies or an event such as colonial fairs or exhibitions. For several years the ANOM has undertaken the digitisation of its iconographic collections. Some collections and albums, as well as posters, are not accessible to researchers as they are extremely fragile. The Ulysse database gives access to a part of the collections. They increase regularly. Posters and photographs are subject to the Intellectual Property Code. |