
Practical information



We check the quality of the websites we recommend, However we cannot be held responsible, control, or guarantee how up-to-date the information broadcast is on the websites of companies, organisations or private people with whom we have established links, as the respective owners are responsible for their websites. However please notify us of any irregularities noted at this address:

Useful links:


General France-Généalogie The official genealogy portal in France
Fédération française de généalogie Group of 150 associations
Service central de l'état civil
Ministère des Affaires étrangères
For the Registry of Births, Marriages and Deaths Acts of less than 100 years for people born outside French territory
On-line request form
Service central de l'état civil
Ministère des Affaires étrangères
On-line request form
Registry of Births,Marriages and Deaths events occurring abroad or in territories previously under French administration, and which concern French nationals (is not competent for French Departments or Overseas Territories)
Centre des Archives diplomatiques Archives for the Protectorates of Morocco and Tunisia and the Syria Lebanon Mandate
Archives of France Directory of the archives departments in France
"Le Fil d'Ariane" Association Genealogical self-help in the Internet
Geneawiki Wikipedia genealogy portal
  Revue française de Généalogie Specialised magazine
North Africa GAMT (Généalogie Algérie Maroc Tunisie) Database, library, review
Website which charges
Tunisie Généalogie List of catholic marriages in Tunisia
Ancêtres italiens Italians in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco
North America Origin of French and foreign emigrants established in Quebec sheet By the Fédération québequoise des sociétés de généalogie and the Fédération Française de Généalogie
Asia Family History in India Staff website making it possible to find European ancestors in India
Caribbean Généalogie et Histoire de la Caraïbe - GHC Antilles, Guyana, Louisiana, Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Généalogie d'Haïti et de Saint-Domingue Website of Jean-Paul Manuel


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